-What is your name, age, and location(don't post your armory link, there's something with our forums that is all fucked up and I'm to lazy to fix it, just post your characters name and server that has a live armory, we'll just look it up)? David Im 25 yrs old & I live in West Palm Beach, Florida
-Why are you apping for Unforseen? I know Deadsouls and I want to be in a guild with great progression. A guild that knows what they are doing. And a guild that I can call a home.
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member? I would bring my dps, my skills as a mage. My willingness to listen & do whatever is expected out of me. I'll bring my determination & concentration to every raid to show Unforseen im on top of my game 110% all the time.
-Do you have any conflict ions with the raid schedule? I can't raid past 11 on some nights. Wed night I can raid all night. Other nights are work nights and I got to wake up early in the am. I gotta wake up at 6am to go to work
-What is your previous raiding experience? All of Classic, All of BC, All of Litch. 10-mans I've downed up to Mim & gotten General down to 45%. On 25 mans I've downed up to Mim and got mim to 50%.
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them? Enigma - They were assholes. And the members didn't know how to play their classes. I'm currently in Horde Nation.. I want to leave so I can raid a bit more.
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no? Yes. When your in a guild your apart of a team. There is NO I in team. Everybody should work together & help each other out on whatever they may need.. Hmm... There are certain restrictions but we wont get into them now
-Why is the cake a lie? I have no idea.