-What is your name, age, and location(please also post your armory link)? Suchu (Mark) 16, Chi-town
-Why are you apping for Unforseen? i would like to raid more than i do now.
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member? help a lot. do any raid.
-Do you have any conflict ions with the raid schedule? Nope ill be on
-What is your previous raiding experience? I did all the pre bc and all northrend raids. besides uldaur. only 4 bosses in ulduar
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them? Pure Instanity, Im still in it but they dont let me tank but yet my main spec is tank.
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no? Yea
-Why is the cake a lie? Wtf i guess cuz blizzard said so