-What is your name, age, and location(please also post your armory link)?
Braedon, 18, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
-Why are you applying for Unforseen?
I am applying because I am looking for a good raiding guild that can clear new content in a good environment.
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member?
Knowledge of each fight and the willingness to take down any boss even if it takes all night.
-Do you have any conflict ions with the raid schedule?
Nope, a few Fridays might be missed but not for long.
-What is your previous raiding experience?
All content in BC, Pre-BC, and everything except Ulduar in WOTLK.
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them?
Many, and I left because they either disbanded, stopped raiding, or couldn't make raiding schedule.
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no?
-Why is the cake a lie?
Cause that god dam computer said so, plus that icing ain't trustworthy.....