-What is your name, age, and location?
Vinny, 19, Sacramento CA.
-Why are you apping for Unforseen?
Did some runs with some of your members on my priest, figured I'd app on my shaman cause its just been sitting around, fully 25 healing geared, except for trinkets.
Want to continue doing some ulduar, I transferred from Kil'jaden, where I raided some of ulduar but didn't get far due to the fact that I started leveling a priest with my friend. Now we're 80, and I just want to raid. progress. All in all have fun clearing shit and getting some gear while doing it.
For Armory
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member?
I'm a good player, been raiding since vanilla. Fast reflexes, great prediction of damage about to be done.
No problem healing on the move, or staying in one spot the whole time, single target or raid wide.
I can also dps as enh or ele as well. I have all 3 sets.
-Do you have any conflict ions with the raid schedule?
No I don't, I can make very night, I work Friday Saterday and Sunday and I get off work at 7 usually on Sundays. so its a perfect match.
-What is your previous raiding experience?
I've Done all of naxx, maly 10/25, os 10/25 and 2d and some others, I have some ulduar exp, no clears cause my old guild had to pug dps and they usually were fail.
I ran raids, mostly 10 and 25 os and naxx. Ran a one hour forty five minute naxx 25, it was a nice run.
Naxx is cake, what I've done in ulduar was really fun and a little challenging, and I wanted to further my knowledge of raiding.
I also have most of Vanilla, up to bwl clear, and kara clears in bc, was mostly pvp for bc.
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them?
Guilds on kil'jaeden I've been in iron, Audacious, wtf is juice. and I left because I didn't get along with members, then I was just inactive due to work so I talked to the Guild Leader about it and left.
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no?
-Why is the cake a lie?
The question is not why is the cake a lie, it is what is a lie about the cake.