-What is your name, age, and location(don't post your armory link, there's something with our forums that is all fucked up and I'm to lazy to fix it, just post your characters name and server that has a live armory, we'll just look it up)? Name is andrew, from newfoundland canada!
-Why are you apping for Unforseen? looking to do progression in uludar again.
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member? Good dps fun personality, all around good raider.
-Do you have any conflict ions with the raid schedule? none.
-What is your previous raiding experience? well my first char was a priest. did mc/bwl/nax/aq40/aq20. BC all the heroics an lowbie instances BWL up to attempts on illidan. ( quit the game sold account ) WOLK currently my main is my sham. ive done full 25 man nax 25 maly , OS 3d for the title. did 5 6 bosses in uludar. flame/raz/igniis/kolo/xt/ an thorim.
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them? CC,legendary,Engima. reason leaving leg/nigma. they are a 2 guild 1 raid type deal. i wasnt for it. CC i was raiding with em , but they never let me raid. i'd show up all ready to go , come early. they have a favor problem..
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no? mm i really dont know any to behonest. i only spoke to dreadfear.
-Why is the cake a lie? well.. hes a lie beacuse hes gay. ha.
bah why the fuck does it keep saying username all ready takin. wha theee fawk!