Worted/Death Knight/Blood Tank,Unholy DPS
-What is your name, age, and location(please also post your armory link)?
>Erik, 23, Kentucky wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Zuluhed&n=Worted
-Why are you apping for Unforseen?
>I want to progress, rather than spend 300g on repairs and hate life for 3 nights a week.
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member?
>100% raid attendance, 4.3k+ Raid DPS, doesnt fuck up.
-Do you have any conflictions with the raid schedule?
-What is your previous raiding experience?
>Naxx 25 6/14 bosses on 25 Ulduar, 7/14 on 10 man Ulduar
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them?
>Akeldama, was in for 3 months, left due to poor raiding schedule and too much downtime during raids
>LaG, Currently still in the guild, applying to a more serious raiding guild.
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no?
-Why is the cake a lie?
>Fuck cake.