-What is your name, age, and location(please also post your armory link)?
Brandon, im 19 and i live in michigan, i transfered here from bonechewer because this server is local time. Apparently i can post my armory because my character isnt showing up because of the transfer (he doesnt show up in my realm list either yet) im geared and i have my epic achieve. i can link it as soon as its up.
-Why are you apping for Unforseen?
I need to find a new home for all my raiding, i love raiding and its what i do, and i might as well start big with my first app on a new server.
-What would you bring to the raid and to the guild as a member?
I'm a smart player, and i know my class, im a 3 year veteran to WoW and i've always been a raider, and im ready to get back into the fray
-Do you have any conflict ions with the raid schedule?
Shouldnt have any, i moved to this server specifically so that i could raid in my time zone
-What is your previous raiding experience?
I have cleared all Wotlk content but uld, and i have played up to mimiron
-What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them?
a bunch on my last server, there are too many to name, it was a large server it was hard to find a home for my raiding needs :/
-Guild members should be loyal to other guild members....yes or no?
fuck yeah, a guild should be like a family imo, we should push each other to become better players.
-Why is the cake a lie?
isnt it obvious! its all in the taste, it seduces you with its velvety frosting, and just as you finish that bam, fucking dry ass cake! better have some milk handy.